Catherine has bilateral TMJ replacements to overcome pain, stiffness, and deteriorating mobility in her jaw joints

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I was suffering from pain and stiffness, and deteriorating mobility in my jaw joints and the alignment of my back teeth was becoming progressive worse (malocclusion). 

I found Mr Cascarini online from a Google search and was also recommended to me by Dr Larry Wolford, (an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in the USA).

Mr Cascarini recommended a course of orthodontic treatment in advance of surgery to replace both my temporomandibular joints (TMJ), using custom-made artificial implants. 

My expectations were that the surgery was likely to be quite painful and the recovery slow-going, however I’ve been delighted by how steadily and rapidly my recovery has gone.

Although the surgery is quite involved, I found the whole process (including the surgical recovery) much more straightforward than I had anticipated. This really didn’t feel like a ‘car crash’ surgery: but rather a highly controlled, and relatively pain free one. I attribute this to Mr Cascarini’s skill and gentle approach.

Since the surgery, the swelling has reduced significantly. The pain has been managed extremely well and I am now starting to wean myself off this medication.

My jaw is still somewhat tender at times, but strength and sensation are improving rapidly.

I would recommend that anyone suffering from similar jaw problems seek advice and trust Mr Cascarini’s informed opinion: he is conservative in approach and I trust that he would not recommend surgery lightly.

The service I received from his team was outstanding – from all concerned. Excellent communication from his office / support staff. And the nursing care in the hospital was terrific.

May 2021

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